Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Leona Grigsby shares her thoughts


I would join with the other team members in advocating that we postpone our trip to NEGST until September. Uneasiness about the situation in Kenya/Nairobi is quite distressing to me, my family, and friends. All are advising me to not go at this time. That is hard to take because I was so "up" about going and could hardly wait. However, we also need to use wisdom and common sense about the timing of our trip.

I have train reservations for Mon. a.m. Jan. 14 from Kansas to Indy and for the return trip in February. These can be changed easily, we have learned today. The sooner we know, however, the better.

It seems to me we would be better able to minister to the peoples of NEGST if we are not worried/stressed about the political/tribal situation. I do want to be part of the September trip.

Thank you for your continued leadership as we all pray for God's wisdom and guidance.



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