Sunday, May 4, 2008

Christian Leaders Board Meeting


May 2, 2008

Present: Lynn Cohick, Doug Long, David Holst, Darcy Weaver, Scott Swim, Ed Fischer, Dwight and Karen Jessup, Paul and Priscilla Heidebrecht

Guests: Keith Krispin, Nate Irwin, Steve Sanders, Luke Mertes

Following introductions at 9:15 a.m., Paul Heidebrecht led a devotional based on 2 Corinthians 8:1-9. We spent time in prayer especially for Mark and Ann Fackler, Derek Mpinga and Chris Schmid’s mother and friend, Meg Feemster.

On behalf of Douglas Carew, Dwight Jessup brought a report on recent events in Kenya and the latest developments at NEGST. He spoke highly of the Governing Council leadership at NEGST. He gave an update on faculty and staff changes, property and campus development activities, finances, enrollment issues and new programs, including African Christian university plans. Dwight and Karen reflected on their four years of service at NEGST and answered many questions we had.

After reviewing the audit, Doug Long, Dale Luther, David Holst and Paul Heidebrecht reviewed the auditor’s recommendations and presented the following motions.

It was moved and carried to:
Establish a Christopher Schmid Memorial Student Scholarship Endowment Fund for the support of tuition and housing costs for students at NEGST.

Appoint an audit subcommittee of two CLA board members (not including the treasurer) to meet prior to each board meeting and review accounting journal entries (if any) and report their findings to the board. Scott Swim and David Holst were appointed to the audit subcommittee.

Approve entering into a contract for a bank lock box service to process checks received at an Indianapolis post office and deposit in the CLA bank account. This arrangement will be reviewed after one year.

Approve the attached Sample Policy on Suspected Misconduct and Dishonesty and to designate the chair of the CLA board as the contact person for any employee, volunteer or donor to report concerns (this information to be posted on the CLA website).

Authorize Dale Luther to obtain the Quickbooks Premiere Nonprofit accounting software package which includes an accounting audit trail that cannot be turned off by the user.

Adopt a policy of receiving only cash and marketable securities and to accept these securities and sell/integrate them with our investment portfolio managed by South Indiana Methodist Foundation. Non-cash or other illiquid assets can only be accepted with prior approval by the CLA board and for which a letter of receipt will be issued but no value indicated for these non-cash item(s).

Approve the attached Sample Document Retention and Destruction Policy.

Maintain the official CLA Minute Book in the offices of Hall Render in Indianapolis with another set in the office of the executive director.

Since CLA is not currently in a position to promote Planned Giving activities, we will recommend to any donors the services of a qualified agency such as National Christian Foundation and to permit the executive director of CLA to enter into any agreements or accounts required for this purpose as approved by the CLA board.

Approve the attached Accountable Reimbursement Plan.

Require our accountant/bookkeeper to back up all electronic CLA financial records and databases on a monthly basis and store them offsite, preferably in a safe deposit box.

Request our Investment Manager to invest CLA assets in a broadly diversified portfolio of US and International stocks, bonds and cash equivalents, that in total, would be considered moderately aggressive.

Darcy Weaver and Ed Fischer were appointed to three-year terms on the CLA board of directors.

Paul reported that Scott Swim is beginning his third three-year term. Lynn Cohick, Mark Fackler, Doug Long and David Holst are beginning the third year of their terms on the board. It was noted for the record that in appointing Darcy and Ed, the board was also establishing two additional positions on the board.

The financial report from Dale Luther was accepted. It was moved and carried to permit Paul , Doug and Dale to prepare the 2008-2009 budget for consideration in June to be approved by email.

Darcy Weaver will submit a spending policy for the Wood Endowment Fund to allow distribution of earnings to NEGST when that fund exceeds $200,000. The original donor stipulated that this would be the threshold though the donor also indicate distributions should begin in 2008.

The board authorized the executive director to accept contributions for a TEDS/NEGST consultation next August provide the funds go to NEGST and not to a third party and also for the future student center at NEGST with contributions originating in Canada. The board was reluctant to receive contributions from friends or relatives of U.S. students at NEGST unless NEGST created a special fund for international students. Paul was asked to discuss this option with Douglas Carew.

Paul gave a brief report on his upcoming trip to NEGST, opportunities that have emerged with U.S. congregations and even a denomination to partner with NEGST for the training of African pastors and missionaries, his efforts to cultivate online donors and promotion of NEGST and his contacts with the new leadership of Bangui Evangelical School of Theology (BEST).

Paul presented his efforts to reduce health insurance costs for himself and Priscilla, for the most part, unsuccessfully. The board indicated it was essential that both of them have adequate coverage even if the premiums remain high.

The meeting concluded at 2:45 p.m. after a period of prayer.

The next meeting will be held on November 7, 2008.

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