Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Purchased Airline Tickets Today

It is amazing how much anxiety I feel when we go to purchase airline tickets for our trip. First, there is the nearly $ 1,500 per person that I am putting on my personal credit card. Then, I think about how this really locks us in. It is no longer just a thought and plan. We are now committed because we have spent the money. It also reminds me that I need to get busy and get my support letter written. I am always amazed at how God provides for the financial support a trip like this requires. I am grateful to my employer, Qwest, that not only gives me the paid time off, but also supports my efforts by sending a $ 1,000.00 check to Grace Commu nity Church.

Since October is Ministry Appreciation Month, I would like to share an exerpt from Roy Lessin, the founder of DaySpring.

God has called each of us to serve Him in the place He has us. In His eyes we all have a ministry. Many serve him in a local church through a variety of ministries such as music, teaching, youth work, or by being a part of the church staff. Other serve on the mission field, on the job, at school, or at home.

God knows you and He knows your heart desires to serve Him. You are someone that He will use to make a difference to share his love, and to touch the hearts of others. What has qualified you for this high privilege of being used by Him? Is it talents, your personality, your education, your influence, or your resume? It is none of these; rather, it is the response of your heart toward Him. God is always searching for those whose hearts are yielded to Him so that He can work mightily through them.

Sometimes we can be led to think that God's work is dependent upon us, upon what we do, and upon what we know. The truth is that God wants us to be totally dependent upon Him. He is the Treasure, we are the vessels; He is Vine, we are the branches; He is the Living Water, we are the channels through which He flows.

The apostle Peter was someone who needed to learn this important truth. Jesus taught him the futility of trying to get results through his own efforts by allowing him, an expert fisherman, to labor all night and come up empty. Afterward when He followed Jesus' word to cast out into the deep, Peter pulled in a catch that was beyond his dreams.

As His servant, remember that your ministry is His idea and not yours. He is the One who knows you, who has called you, and who has equipped you to serve Him. Remain true, remain faithful, remain restful, and remain totally dependent upon Him.

God is not looking for those who are clever, but for those in whom He can be wise; He is not looking for those who are talented, but for those to whom He can be all sufficient; He is not looking for those who are powerful, but for those through whom He can be almighty.

So it is my prayer that God will encourage you today as you faithfully serve Him, and the He will use you to bring encouragement to others in a special way during this Ministry Appreciation Month.

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